Friday, August 19, 2011

Getting ready for the National Show!

The National SPHO show is this coming weekend and we're getting ready with a new wagonette.  Here is a quick video that I made of Best.  I'm still adjusting the harness a bit so keep that in mind.

Monday, August 1, 2011


You may not be aware but there is a Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization!  They help raise awareness about the retraining, placement, and promotion of the Standardbred, both as a pleasure mount and a driving horse.  I've been involved in passing with this organization for several years and have to say that they're a fun group.  I say in passing because there isn't an active chapter in my state.

If you're in Ohio, check out the SPHO-OH.  They're probably the most diverse group of Standardbred people you'll meet. They have a group that goes camping and have hunter paces, plus display the breed at the KY Horse Park and Equine Affair (OH).  Horse wise they have everything from roadster, saddleseat and gaited horses to pasture ornaments.  They love them all!  One thing that is rather unique about the Ohio shows is that you may see some people riding sidesaddle.  Check them out at

SPHO-NJ is the place to be if you're interested in jumping!  Helene Gregory and JB set the standard, jumping well over 3 feet these days.  SPHO-NJ has a nice working relationship with several of the local show circuits which helps assure some Standardbred only classes at the Horse Park of NJ.  They are also involved with the Battle of the Breeds, which pits the Standardbreds against the Thoroughbreds! Last but certainly not least, they host the National Standardbred Show in August.  This show keeps getting more and more competitive with STBs competing in halter, dressage, hunter, jumper, western, driving, and speed events.  While it is competitive, it's also one of the friendliest national shows you'll ever go to.  Check them out at

SPHO-FL is the Standardbred Dressage headquarters!  Sea the Gray and Whiz Bang, two of their STBs, were selected to demonstrate what the breed can do in the dressage ring at the World Equestrian Games 2010.  Currently they're putting that precision to work doing Team Riding (like a drill team).  You'll often see them perform at The Grand Oaks Resort.  SPHO-FL is more heavily involved in placing Standardbreds, having placed more than 30 since 1997.  Check them out at

I know one person from the SPHO-ME group but I've not been involved with any of their events.  I will say that they have some great shirts for sale.  They are also the only SPHO group that I know of that offers a driving clinic.  One of the benefits of this group is working with Robyn Cuffey.  She literally wrote the book on the retraining of racehorses.  Check them out at

There are other SPHO groups out there so feel free to Google for one in your area.  I've just included the ones that I have personal contact with.