Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Best is homeless!

Through no fault of his own (he is being bullied by other horses) Best is being returned to us.  His temporary owner had nothing but good things to say about him. They took him to The National Drive and had a great time.  They bought a sleigh and proceeded to give lots of people rides, Best was his normal, dependable self.  He's just not getting along with his pasture mates and that is making it very hard for them to feed.  Best does tend to be beta in the pasture although he will try to bully young stock.  He does not particularly care for cows but will ignore them when in harness.

Best is once again for sale.  If you are interested please contact me PittsburghHaak at Yahoo.com.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Best of 'the Best'

After much debate Against the Best has moved on to a new phase in his life.  He is now going to be primarily a pleasure horse in upstate NY.  Here he is with his new owner, as excited as ever.
You haven't seen the last of Best though.  The USTA will include photos of him in one of the October editions of Hoof Beats.  While we wait for the article on the United States Trotting Association's new partnership with the American Driving Society here are a few pictures of Best over the last few years.

This one was taken by Sue Andrews as my Dad recovers from open heart surgery.  My parents share the seat while driving Best during a fun class.  While perhaps not the safest option every, they certainly had fun with him that day.

Two reserve championships at the Saratoga Driving Trial is nothing to sneeze at.  He's never going to be a dressage master but he's a lot of fun to drive in cones and on the marathon course.  I remember the first time we did the marathon course here, he was surprised to find a hazard in the woods.

First year

Second year

Under saddle and without blinkers in the woods!  He was so good on this judged trail ride.  It was like Gilligan's Island - supposed to be a 2 1/2 hr ride that turned into 5 hrs.  It was his first ride in the woods and we were seriously overmatched by the terrain but he got it done and finished 6th in his division.

Best and I hanging out on the rail, working on his social skills.  We spent a lot of time hanging out.

And perhaps the best thing about Best, the opportunity to drive tandem with Best and Draken.  What an exciting thing to do!

Our whole family joins in wishing Best the best with his new family.  If for any reason he should ever need a home again, our barn will always have a stall for him.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Come Join Us at Equine Affaire!

I'm very pleased to announce that I will be speaking at Equine Affaire Ohio this year!  Thursday, April 11th at 10 am I will be discussing From Racing to the Ring: Transitioning the Standardbred from the Racetrack in a New Career on the Nutrena Seminar Stage.  Among the topics that will be covered are:

Finding the best career fit for your horse - western, english and driving or any combination thereof

Bending and balance

Trotting, pacing and other gaits including the canter

Showing - SPHO and open shows

Overcoming prejudiced

I hope you'll come out and learn a bit more about this wonderful breed.

For a full schedule click here.

Best's National Award Arrived

I have to say that the Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization puts out some rather fancy end of the year prizes.  Thank you for Best's award!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Best wins his first national award

The Standardbred Pleasure Horse Association held their award banquet this past Sunday in NJ.  Against the Best won National Demo Horse for the year.  Best was a very busy boy in 2012.  He participated in demos at:

Lane Cove Dressage Open House
Equine Affaire
Carriage Round-up
The National Drive

At each of these events Best did multiple things.  For example at Equine Affaire he participated in the Breeds presentation 3 times, did four driving events, and ended up being a demo horse for a shoeing presentation.

In addition to the events Best did several parades including:

Owosso Glow Parade (MI)
Victorian Parade (KY)
Fireman's Parade (PA)
Memorial Day Parade (PA)

Congratulations to Best and all of the other year end winners!

Best and I would also like to offer our congratulations to fellow New Yorkers:

Maria Rice and Odee Ozar for their Reserve Championship in Roadster.  Here is a picture of the two from the National Show.

Denelle Stratton and her gelding Slip brought home National High Point Hunter, National High Point Novice Horse and Res. Champion for hunter paces!

Best participates in a driving clinic

The Best was out and about this past weekend, being a very good demo horse at the Carriage Driving 101 clinic that we put on at Tipperary Farms in McDonald, PA.  The USTA posted a little article about the clinic on their website - http://xwebapp.ustrotting.com/absolutenm/templates/article.aspx?articleid=52349&zoneid=63

Here are a few pictures from the event.

Sleighing with Best

Best is once again in New York for the sleighing season.  This picture of him appeared in one of the Carriage Association of America's newsletters.

Bruce Haak (Afton, NY) driving Against the Best (Standardbred) with Joyce Haak as passenger.  The sleigh was made by Dunn & Stalker from Meadville, PA.  The company was founded in 1856.  Their light carriages, buggies and sleighs were know for their beautiful designs as well as their durability.