Sunday, November 20, 2011

Back in the USSR...or rather the Allegheny National Forest

The weekend of September 24th was a Father/Daughter weekend for my Dad and I. He met me with his Fjord horse, Aiken, up at the Allegheny National Forest for some relaxing driving. I have to say that it didn't start off well. We pulled into the Kelly Pines Campsite where I stayed before and it was full. We asked a gentleman what they recommended we do and he replied "go home." Well...that wasn't really an option. Fortunately a much nicer person came over and told us how to get to Allegheny Trail Ride which ended up actually being a much nicer camping experience for us. Best and Aiken were able to stay in actual stalls, play in the creek behind the barns and in general, have a better stay.  If you're going, I would recommend checking them out as you can make advance reservations (Kelly Pines is first come, first serve). It was only $12 a night which is hard to beat.

Best not only had what I believe to be his first experience with a covered bridge (thumbs up) but also played in the creek. He walked in willingly enough but seemed a bit confused at first by the fact that that the water kept moving. Best, for some reason, had his first real nature moment. He was just walking down the path, minding his own business, when a leaf came down and bopped him in the head. You could just see him go "What the heck?"

Neither of us are real campers but we're getting the hang of the nature thing little by little.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - this looks beautiful! So much fun! And wow the covered bridge - what an obstacle lol!
